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The minimum wage in Turkey to rise 49% in 2024



The minimum wage in Turkey for 2024 has been announced, with an increase of 49% from the previous minimum wage.




According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the new gross minimum wage is 20,002.50 Turkish lira per month, and the net minimum wage is 17,002.12 Turkish lira per month.


The increase in the minimum wage comes after long negotiations between the government, employers, and labor unions.



It is expected that this increase will have a significant impact on millions of workers in Turkey.

The minimum wage in Turkey is determined annually by the Minimum Wage Commission, which takes into account the basic living expenses of workers.



The table below shows the change in the minimum wage in Turkey in recent years:


In conclusion, the minimum wage in Turkey has seen a significant increase in recent years. This increase reflects the economic growth in Turkey and is aimed at improving the living standards of workers.

Overall, the increase in the minimum wage in Turkey is a positive step, but it may face some challenges.

It is expected that this increase will have a positive impact on the Turkish economy, as it will increase the purchasing power of workers, leading to increased demand for goods and services. It will also lead to increased social stability, as it will help to reduce poverty and unemployment.

However, some challenges may be faced in implementing this increase, such as rising production costs for companies. This increase may also lead to rising inflation, which could reduce the real value of the increase.