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Hydraulic Technology: Revolutionizing Industries: Top 10 Turkish Manufacturing Factories

The use of hydraulic technology in industry dates back to the Middle Ages when hydraulic systems were employed to operate mechanical machines and lift heavy loads.

The History of Hydraulic Systems

The history of hydraulic technology in industry illustrates a series of significant events:

  • 17th Century:

During this period, notable figures wrote about their ideas on hydraulics in books like "Hydraulic Mechanics."

  • 19th Century:

There was significant progress as engineers introduced many hydraulic ideas and innovations, leading to the development of hydraulic systems used in industry and agriculture.

  • 20th Century:

There was substantial advancement in hydraulic technology, expanding its use across diverse industries such as construction, automotive, and aviation.

  • Post-World War II Era:

Interest in hydraulic technologies increased significantly after World War II, when they were used in operating heavy equipment and industrial machinery.

  • Modern Era:

Hydraulic technologies continue to evolve, becoming an integral part of fields like energy, manufacturing, and industrial automation. The history of hydraulic technology reflects remarkable progress, demonstrating advancements in understanding and enhancing this technology.

Here are some industries benefiting from hydraulic technology:

  • Construction and Building Industry:

Hydraulic construction equipment, such as excavators and bulldozers, efficiently moves soil and lifts heavy loads.

  • Automotive Industry:

Hydraulics contribute to brake systems and steering systems, ensuring precise control and fuel efficiency.


  • Energy Industry:

Hydraulics are used in power generation stations to operate turbines and generate electricity efficiently.

  • Maritime Industries:

Hydraulics are employed in lifting and control systems on ships to operate devices and equipment efficiently.

  • Aerospace Industry:

Hydraulics play a vital role in aircraft control systems to ensure smooth movement and reliable performance.

Is Hydraulic a Transformative or Foundational Industry?

Hydraulics is a transformative industry, converting hydraulic energy (derived from fluid movement) into mechanical energy to drive devices and equipment. It plays a vital role in achieving precise motion and effective force in a wide range of industries, enhancing efficiency and control in industrial processes.


Here are the names of some Turkish manufacturing companies:

Founded in 2012, Dora Industry serves the automotive sector, rapidly gaining customer satisfaction and evolving into the Dora Group. Specializing in the automotive industry, Dora Industry has successfully established its brand in a short period, reflecting its commitment to quality and customer service.

Established in 1982, Konhidroliksan aims to become a prominent name in the hydraulic pressure sector. With a focus on high-quality production, the company plans strategic investments to ensure customer satisfaction. Konhidroliksan emphasizes corporate governance and professional production, aiming to lead innovations locally and internationally.

Baser Hydraulic offers reliable, high-quality services with an experienced team. With over a decade in the hydraulic field, the company prioritizes safe work standards and customer satisfaction, providing innovative solutions nationally and internationally. Baser Hydraulic manufactures hydraulic unit systems and hydraulic block systems professionally using advanced technological means.

With two decades of experience, BHM Hydraulic Machinery, established in 2017, continues its legacy in the dynamic lift industry. Leveraging its extensive experience, BHM Hydraulic Machinery is committed to producing high-quality business solutions, demonstrating consistent dedication to its brand.

Founded in 1996, Metkarsan initially focused on agricultural machinery and later expanded its product range. The company's commitment to quality is evident through certifications such as TSEK, CE, and Quality Certificate. Specializing in the manufacture of forage harvesters, Metkarsan aims for continuous development and customer satisfaction.

Established in 1995, Sedir Otomotiv aims to fill the gap in the sub-industry spare parts market for the automotive industry in Turkey. With a network established throughout Turkey, Sedir Otomotiv provides all necessary parts with high quality according to customer preferences. Prioritizing continuous development and renewal, Sedir Otomotiv considers customer satisfaction as its guiding principle.

Sürmak, with its expert team in the production of forage harvesters, operates in the organized industrial zone in Konya with over 30 years of experience. Aspiring to be a leader in the agricultural machinery sector and constantly improving in this direction, Sürmak continuously increases its market share dome

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