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Practical Tips and Steps for Secure Online Purchasing

A question comes to every customer during each online purchase :

  • Is using Visa or Mastercard credit cards safe?

  • To what extent can I trust e-commerce websites?

  • Is it better to make transactions through the store or pay cash upon delivery?

For achieving secure electronic payment (online payment), here are some guidelines:

1: Using Secure and Trusted Websites:


In today's world, there is an overwhelming number of e-commerce websites. Always ensure that the website you are making a payment through is secure and trustworthy. The method to verify this is the presence of an SSL security certificate on the website (indicated by "https://" at the beginning of the URL).

2- Choosing the Appropriate Secure Payment Method:

Regardless of the payment method you choose, whether it's prepayment through credit cards like Visa and Mastercard, or direct bank transfers, among other options, it's important to select an electronic payment method built on security. Look for payment methods that utilize strong encryption, offer ease of use, and do not impose excessive fees.

3- Using Global Digital Wallets such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Mard:

Digital wallets might be a safer way to pay online as they don't directly share card details with the seller. These wallets allow payment without entering card details every time, reducing fraud risks and providing secure and convenient financial services.

4- Safeguarding Personal Account Information for Users:

Use trusted payment gateways and only share your personal information when necessary. Implement two-factor authentication and password management tools to maintain the security of your information.

5- Verifying Link Authenticity:

Avoid clicking on unfamiliar redirection links or suspicious offers that present discounts in dubious ways. Visit the website by manually typing the address.

6- Adding Protection Measures like Antivirus Programs:

Installing antivirus software and regularly updating it offers protection options and security measures.

7- Updating Devices and Software:

Whether you're using Apple or Android devices, make sure to update your operating system and software to get the latest security updates.

8- Using Strong Passwords:

Utilize strong and unique passwords for your financial accounts and refrain from sharing them with anyone. Create a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

9- Activating Two-Factor Authentication:

All banks recommend customers to use the two-factor authentication feature, especially when shopping online. This adds an extra layer of protection during login or payment processes.

11- Enabling Account Notifications:


Activate notifications for your bank account to be aware of any payments made through your card, either via email or messages to your mobile phone, to identify any unusual activity on your account.

12- Avoiding Public Wi-Fi Networks:

Avoid conducting sensitive payment transactions over insecure public Wi-Fi networks, where your information could be at risk.

13- Regularly Reviewing Accounts:

Regularly review your bank accounts and examine electronic payment transactions and transfers periodically.

In conclusion, to enhance secure electronic payment methods, it's advisable to choose platforms that support secure payment methods and follow the necessary steps and guidelines to protect your financial and personal information. Utilize reputable and secure e-commerce websites and select safe and reliable payment methods. Electronic payment in e-commerce comes with risks; therefore, benefit from digital wallets to reduce the risk of fraud. Be cautious in dealing with your personal information and use protection tools such as two-factor authentication and strong passwords. By adopting these measures, you can enjoy a secure and reliable online payment experience.